(1) How do you think you are doing so far in your senior project and why? AE, P, AP, CR, or NC
Well, since we aren't doing much with the senior project and decided to start working on Model Assembly more, I believe I am doing good with my service learning. The only problem I have is getting my second interview done. I've tried to set up a date with them at the convalescent home and do all I can but they won't let me do the interview with any nurse there because of confediality code. I am actually looking into another convalescent home near my house. I am going to speak to Mr. Ogden about getting my interview done at Kaiser Permanente because that's the only place they will let me interview a nurse. I did it there for my first one. I walked in and just had my interview there and then. Right now an AP due to the fact that I don't have my second Interview.
(2) What's one thing you think you have done well on and why?
One thing I have done well is being so open and getting doctor's email from Kaiser Permanente and opening my doors to any nurse who is willing to help me with my senior project. I love having a variety of people I can go and I am proud to say I have a variety of contacts in the medical field.
(3) What is one thing you would like to improve on and why?
I would LOVE to improve on my schedule and keeping up-to date with it and when I set dates I want to stick with them. To make this story short,I need to improve on TIME MANAGEMENT.