Wednesday, October 26, 2011

What I've Learned So Far

1) What have you learned how to do since you started working on your senior project?
I learned to take whatever I have in my hands if worst comes to worst. For example, for my service learning I did not have any place to get my service learning hours done until today. I was able to start right away and volunteer at a Senior Home Care called Rowland Convalescent Hospital. It is a senior home which provides medical nursing service for seniors with serious illnesses or disabilities twenty-four hours a day, delivered by registered nurses, licensed vocational nurses, and certified nurse aids.

2) Post evidence of this accomplishment. It can be in the form of a picture, video, document, etc..
I don't have a picture of me in the place just yet but I do have a picture of the front place because I didn't know if I could take pictures of me with the senior citizens on the first day but I did take a picture of place on the outside.

3) What research helped you to do this and how?*
<<< Click to see picture

Darien and Gaby Reyes helped me find the place as well as get to volunteer right away. Without them I would have never known about this place. Thanks guys!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Independent Component 1 Plan Approval

(1) Write a description of what you plan on doing for your independent study component.
I plan on either just doing the full 110 hours of service learning which will cover my two independent study components. I've been asking many health facilities like Red Cross, the Kaiser Permanente in Baldwin Park but I didn't get accepted to do my independent task there, so I have to look elsewhere. I am looking into my doctor's office and I will have that answer by tomorrow after 4:00 PM.

(2) Describe in detail how you think your plan will meet the 30 hours work requirement.
My plan is to do my service learning at my doctor's office as well as my first independent study component. Then when I am 18 in February, I will do the second part of my independent study at Kaiser Permanente in Baldwin Park. Since the due date for the first Independent Component is due until early February, I will have the 30 hours of requirement done by that date and then after I go to Kaiser Permanente for my second independent component, I will have 30 hours done by the due date of March 27, 2012.

(3) How does your independent study component relate to your EQ?
My EQ is "What is most essential to being a Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN)?" My independent study will be in a health facility and what better place to do this but at a doctors office or some sort of department full of LVNs. You are surrounded by LVNs and RNs which will answer my EQ simply with the qualities and skills of an LVN and with additional information of an RN.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Defining the Essential Question

1) What is your EQ?
What is most essential to being a Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN)?

2) Define the words in your EQ to make sure we are on the same page regarding what your EQ means.
"Licensed Vocational Nurse:" I'm focusing into the nursing job as a whole which means that I'm going to elaborate more and talk about other professions in the nursing fields but I will be answering what is most essential to being an LVN as well as the other professions.

"Most essential:" I just mean what is more important; the education you get or the characteristics you need?
3) What are some possible answers to your EQ so far?
Some possible answers are LVNs should have a caring, sympathetic nature and possess strong communication skills. They should be emotionally stable because working with the sick and injured can be stressful. They also should have keen observational, decision-making, and communication skills. As part of a health care team, they must be able to follow orders, detailed instructions and work under close supervision.

4) What has been your most important source and why? Be specific. If it is a person, name them and what they do, if it is an article, book or video, name the title and author.
I believe my most important source is the book I got from the library called, "What Can I Do Now?:Exploring Careers For Your Future" byFerguson Publishing (no specific author). This book has all kinds of different types of nursing careers and has information about the education you need and the requirements to background information, application informtion, finance details, what that type of nursing duties you do, etc.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Second Interview Questions

I will be doing my service learning at Kaiser Permanenete and I will most likley interview and RN.
1) How long have you been an RN?LVN? (Depending on who I'm interviewing that day)
2) What courses did you study to achieve this title?
3) What college/university did you go to?
4) What makes you a good nurse?
5) What do you believe is the most important when it comes down to being a nurse?
6) Why exactly did you choose this career? Did you have any others in mind?
7) What does nursing mean to you?
8) What are your duties as an RN/LVN
9) Why did you choose to be a Kaiser Permanente employee?